Natured related financial risks (Mini-MOOC)
Natured related financial risks (Mini-MOOC)
Offered by : Caisse de dépôts, Campus Groupe AFD
42 subscribers
In a world that is increasingly aware of environmental challenges and the decline in biodiversity, the 16th United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity 2024 in Colombia is an opportunity for the signatory countries to show their commitment to these issues by presenting their strategies and action plans for addressing them.
The decline in biodiversity poses a threat not only to human lives, but also to the global economy and financial stability.
Faced with these challenges, players in the public and private sectors are taking steps to preserve nature and biodiversity.
European and French regulations also provide a framework for taking the financial risks associated with biodiversity loss and nature more broadly into account in the corporate governance and risk management of financial institutions.
The aim of this Mini-MOOC is to explain the basics of nature-related financial risks.
The course will give you an understanding of what nature-related risks are, the challenges they pose for regulators, financial institutions and businesses, and how taking better account of these risks can help transform the economy.
You will also learn about the reporting frameworks available, as well as methods and tools for measuring the nature-related risks affecting a financial institution.
We will focus on the approaches taken by AFD and Caisse des Dépôts in measuring the risks and incorporating them into their strategy.
Experts and practitioners from CNRS, the World Bank, Banque de France, the TNFD, AFD and CDC will provide their own perspectives on the concepts discussed.
Each sequence is followed by a quiz to test your knowledge.
The course is designed for finance, insurance and risk professionals from the business world and anyone interested in the impact of nature-related risks on the economy and financial decision-making.
To give you a comprehensive overview of the issues involved in nature-related financial risks, the module, lasting around 1 hour 10 minutes, consists of an introduction and six sequences of around 10 minutes each, covering the following topics:
Introduction by Éric Lombard, Chief Executive Officer of Caisse des Dépôts (CDC), and Rémy Rioux, Chief Executive Officer of the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) Group.
Lesson plan/Course program
Module 1 : What is biodiversity ? Tatiana Giraud, research director at CNRS, provides an insight into the collapse in biodiversity, its consequences for human lives, and the pressures on biodiversity. (12 minutes). |
Module 2 : Introduction to the concepts of impacts and dependencies : Etienne Espagne, Senior climate economist at the World Bank, reveals the links between economics and biodiversity, exploring the consequences of ecosystem degradation on biodiversity and the broad categories of economic and financial risk associated with biodiversity loss, introducing the notions of dependency and impact risks. (08 minutes) |
Module 3 : What's at stake in terms of financial stability ? The financial risks associated with biodiversity loss have become a financial stability issue for central banks. Jean Boissinot, deputy director of financial stability at Banque de France, explains why central banks are looking into this subject and how they can make a difference. (09 minutes). |
Module 4 : Biodiversity risk and macroeconomic and social stability : Thomas Melonio, chief economist at AFD, examines the links between damage to nature and macroeconomic and social stability, and explains how a country's economy can also be affected by measures designed to preserve nature. (11 minutes) |
Module 5 : Biodiversity risk reporting, the TNFD example : Have you heard of the TNFD? Nathalie BORGEAUD, Lead financial markets engagement at the TNFD, tells us all about this framework, which emerged from a global initiative offering guidelines for assessing, managing and reporting nature-related risks. (08 minutes) |
Module 6 : The risk measurement strategies of financial institutions: Focus on the choices and methodologies adopted by Caisse des Dépôts and AFD, with Camille Laurens-Villain, climate risk and ESG expert at CDC, and Amaury Mulliez, deputy director of AFD's Economic Diagnostics and Public Policy Department.(11 minutes)
Aucun pré-requis de niveau n’est exigé.
At the end of each of the six sequences, you will be given a quiz to assess your learning progress. You can try the quiz several times.
At the end of the course, you will receive a certificate of achievement if you have obtained 80% or more correct answers on all six quizzes. We hope you enjoy the course!
The AFD Group Campus is a training, exchange, and reflection space dedicated to building sustainable and solidarity-based solutions, particularly in relation to the needs and challenges of Southern countries. As the educational and strategic arm of the French Development Agency, it works to strengthen the capacities of development actors with a focus on co-construction and equitable partnerships. Follow us on Linkedin
Caisse des Dépôts (CDC) and its subsidiaries are a public group investing over the long term in the public interest and the country's economic development. It fulfills its missions to support government and local authority policies, and may engage in competitive activities. Caisse des Dépôts Group is committed to incorporating biodiversity preservation into its operational activities, practices and financing in order to contribute actively to halting the erosion of life on Earth.