MOOC Governance of state owned enterprises
MOOC Governance of state owned enterprises
Certificate of achievement
Offered by: AFD, OECD
517 subscribers

As key players in public policies designed to support
economic, social and environmental transitions, they
must be efficient, transparent and economically
balanced. From the provision of public and social services to the implementation of sectoral policies relating to industry, infrastructure, energy, health, digital technology and transportation, state-owned enterprises play a major role in achieving the sustainable development objectives. Their governance is therefore essential.
In recent years, in many countries and in addition to its financial support, the Agence française de développement (French Development Agency - AFD) has provided non-financial support to the
governance of state-owned enterprises, particularly on issues related to the state/state-owned enterprise relationship.
Thanks to this MOOC created by AFD in partnership with OECD, you will be able to discover or to deepen your knowledge of the complex issues and opportunities offered by the governance of state-owned enterprises to all stakeholders and the public.
You will also learn about the transformation challenges facing state-owned enteprises, with a particular focus on sustainable development, climate and corporate social responsibility (CSR).
Through an interactive and innovative course where experience in the field is combined with the fundamentals delivered by experts , this MOOC offers you the opportunity to develop your skills on a strategic subject.
At your own pace and in association with the community that will bring together all the trainees in this course, let's discover governance of state-owned enterprises !
To provide you with a comprehensive overview of the governance of state-owned entreprises, the course is divided into 6 sequences, freely accessible, each lasting around two hours, and covers the following topics:
1 |
Sequence 1: Introduction to the governance of state-owned entreprises |
2 |
Sequence 2: The role of state institutions in the governance of state-owned enterprises |
3 |
Sequence 3: The coordination tools at the service of state-owned enterprises governance |
4 |
Sequence 4: The bodies of state-owned enterprise governance |
5 |
Sequence 5: The role of cross-cutting functions of state-owned enterprises |
6 |
Sequence 6: Conclusion |
This MOOC runs for 6 weeks, 1 sequence per week. Thus, you can follow it independently and at your own pace, and consult resources as often as you may need. You will find videos, interactive activites to complete, quizzes - to check that you've grasped the essentials, and additional resources to find out more.
- A dynamic and interactive training: this MOOC combines videos from experts on the subjects covered, testimonials from stakeholders on the ground and interactive activities (quizzes, infographics, enriched fiction, etc...).
- An operational approach: in order to capitalise on the experience and best pratice of those stakeholders and experts in the field, a large number of testimonials shed new light on the challenges and opportunities of state-owned enterprises governance.
L'Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
AFD implements France's developement and international solidarity policies. AFD Campus is AFD's entity dedicated to training its partners and sharing knowledge and experience. More information on AFD Campus page.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Organisation for Economie Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international organisation that works for better policies for a better life. Its goal is to promote public policies that foster prosperity, equal opportunities and well-being for all. Find out more about OECD.
This MOOC is open and accessible to anyone wishing to learn the basics or deepend their knowledge of the challenges of governance of state-owned enterprises, in relation with sustainable developement goals.
It targets more specifically, within the territories of intervention of the Agence française de
- The directors of state-owned enterprises,
- The senior managers of state-owned enterprises,
- Managers in cross-cutting divisions of stateowned enterprises (finance, human resources,
compliance officer, commercial, etc.), - Managers in the finance or sectoral ministries,
- Managers of the entities in charge of the management and supervision of state-owned
enterprises, - Managers in the regulatory authorities (sectoral or cross-cutting) in sectors where state-owned enterprises are active.
At the end of each of the first 5 sequences, you can test your knowledge with a final quiz. You'll need to obtain 70% correct answers to this quiz to validate the sequence and obtain a digital badge validating your skills. You can attempt each quiz 3 times.
At the end of the course, you'll receive a certificate of achivement if you've passed the 5 final quizzes and obtained your 5 badges !
You can follow this MOOC on a computer, a tablet or a smartphone. All you need to do is used your Internet browser. For optimal browsing, we recommend the use of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari or their mobile versions. Internet Explorer users will need a version higher than IE 10.